Bryan AlfordStacy Saythany | Guitar & Bass

Stacy Saythany is a classical and electric guitarist and bassist based in St. Joseph, Missouri. Saythany is an active performer and teacher and is available for lessons, classes, and other music services. His lessons/classes are customized to reach every individual students’ needs and goals.

Saythany studied guitar and bass at Missouri Western State University under the tutelage of renowned classical guitarist Anthony Glise, guitarist Jason Riley, bassist Craig Kew, and vocalist Leslie Heinz.

Saythany’s style is eclectic and highly improvisational. Utilizing various effects, techniques, and unique performing methods, Stacy can express all kinds of musical ideas and styles, often meshing many forms together into an intriguing mass of sonic expression. He’s done jazz, heavy metal, country, punk, R&B, classical, and more. Whether it be a classical guitar work by Francisco Tarrega or melodic metal or bass virtuosity or any other thing one can throw at him, Saythany delivers it all with passion.

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