Antionette "Tonie" Starr

Our founder shares a personal testimony of the everyday struggles of a breast cancer survivorship. Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 3 breast cancer at the early age of 35, she understands the challenges women face with breast cancer. While undergoing aggressive chemotherapy, radiation and reconstructive surgery, she watched women who were being turned away for cancer treatment due to lack of sufficient insurance or just simply because they couldn’t afford it.

With a burning desire to help in whatever way she could, Tonie made a commitment to provide an avenue where underserved women with breast cancer could turn for resources and support.

The Survivors’ Foundation is committed to the emotional and financial support of underserved women with breast cancer, who are facing or undergoing cancer treatment. Our mission is to help women with breast cancer realize that they are, indeed, survivors.

Tonie is currently pursuing a degree at the University of Phoenix in Psychology. She is also personally connected to motivating men and women to achieve their life goals. Tonie believes the Survivors' Foundation is her God given purpose to help underserved women with breast cancer to live longer and healthier lives.