Audio & Visual Needs

To help ensure the program meets your expectations and brings the most value to your audience, please review the requests below and let us know if there are any questions or challenges. We are flexible and will work with your A/V capabilities and your technicians to make the most of your program.

We appreciate your attention to detail and your willingness to help us create the very best experience for your audience.



Wireless lavaliere (tie clip) microphone with fresh batteries. (A back-up microphone is also recommended.) Dr. Tim prefers a clip-on microphone versus the ear or handheld. Nevertheless, he can also work with what is available.

Second microphone (handheld or stationary) for the introducer and for audience questions/comments. It works best if there is no need to “hand off” the lavaliere microphone from the introducer to the speaker.

Dr. Tim uses PowerPoint or video during presentations, and will provide a simple title slide with his name, contact info, title and content of his keynote. We will email materials prior to the event and ask that it remain on the screen during a presentation. We will also discuss this with you and your team prior to the event. He will sometimes use a simple, physical handout. In that case, we email the handout to you prior to his program so you can print it and distribute it to all of your meeting attendees.



A small table or lectern to the side and pushed to the back of the stage with space for notes/books, and also lots of space for Dr. Tim to walk around – he does not like to speak from behind a podium.

2 bottles of water (no ice).

A flip chart with pens up front (for seminars and small breakouts only).


Room environment

A bright stage will help keep audience focus at the front of the room. Dr. Tim will utilize the entire stage area. If the room has any spotlights, please aim them for a general wash of the front of the stage (not directly into Mike’s eyes).

Lighting: The energy and connection in the room are increased when Dr. Tim can see the audience and when the audience members can see each other’s reactions. For this reason, please keep the house lights up a bit.