Pastor Starr Photo

Pastor Walza Starr II

Pastor Walza R. Starr II is God's "threshing instrument" raised up in the Greater Kansas City area, forr "such a time as this." Running with God's vision, he is seizing the Kingdom of God by force. Blessed with a fierce, bold and uncompromising delivery, Pastor Starr fervently elucidates the Word of God by his utter dependence on the Lord, a passion for souls, and his determination to hold fast to integrity. The radical, unpretentious preaching and teaching style of Pastor Starr has transformed the lives of many men, women, boys and girls.

Pastor Starr was born and raised in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas. As God would have it, he accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at the young age of 10 and has not looked back. The evidence of God's hand upon his life was witnessed early, and Pastor Starr quickly became a servant of the Lord, attending bible study, Sunday School Classes, youth activities and serving asa youth director. God used Pastor Starr's confrontational style of preaching to grow the membership quickly.

It was during this time that God used a church rooted in spiritual traditionalism to bring forth the anointing that would draw many. Pastor Starr purposed instead to follow the vision of God. God was ushering in a new thing; He directed Pastor Starr to birth a church that operated under Kingdom Authority, rather than man-made traditions. Out of those divine orders, Faith City Christian Center was born.

With a culturally diverse congregation, Pastor Starr walks in a powerful anointing to reach the unreachable, the broken, the wounded, and the rejected. He has earnestly committed to demonstrating unconditional love to all that God sends his way.

Pastor Starr believes in the holistic concept of building the total man. He has committed himself and the church to the vision of economically empowering the people in the community he serves.  He is dedicated to promoting God's Kingdom agenda and saving souls.

Pastor Starr has his degree in Marketing and Sales from Coastline College and is currently furthering his education at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Pastor Starr is honored to be married to Antionette Starr, affectionately referred to as "First Lady." Lady Starr is the Director of Women's Ministry “Jewels by Design”. They have three wonderful children, Antionette (Whitney), Alexus, Tripp, and one grand daughter Anyla Morgan.