What Others are Saying

Some of the best feedback ever I ever get is when participants say, “Wow where did the time go?”, “I’m exhausted from laughing so much!”, or “It was life changing!” Here is what a few other event sponsors said after I spoke for them. These are just quick excerpts. The full text can be found by clicking on the CLIENT LIST tab on the navigation bar and scrolling down.

“Unparalleled, inspiring, the best presentation of the conference!”

- Judy DeShan, District Supervisor, Community Action Networking Conference

“Your Keynote address was informative, humorous, inspiring and received the highest marks of the conference.”

- Mary Landers, FDIC, Chicago, IL

“We are still talking about your program! You were a hit with our entire staff. Not only did you hit the objectives we wanted, you far exceeded our expectations for training. We want you back!”

- Allan Barman, West Lake Inc., San Diego, CA