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10 Ways to Earn Points
Earning points on PieceWise easy and the fastest way to progress through the ranks. The following explains what actions can earn points for you and other PieceWise members.

How do I make money with prize projects?
The simple answer, just contribute! Everything you do to help with the project plan earns you points. This includes voting on pieces, adding pieces, suggesting edits (when approved), moving pieces (when approved), and more! For information on how your ideas can make money even after the prize project pays out, click here.

What does it mean to search projects & can you give me an example?
When you use the search bar to search through projects, you're searching through all the pieces of information that people have put into a project plan in the past. These pieces are linked to other parts of the project by their position in the project. When your search finds a piece of a project, the results page will give you a link to the part of the project where that piece is used. The text of the link is the piece that leads to your search result. The description below the piece is the description of the project where the piece is used.

Can I make my projects private?
We're currently working on adding this feature but for the time being, anyone can search through your projects. Because of this, we don't recommend putting sensitive information into your project plan.

I heard I can earn royalties for my ideas. How?
Not quite but close. If you have put an idea into a prize project, you will earn part of the prize. People can re-use your ideas in other projects (using our autocomplete feature). If they do and the project is a prize project, you'll earn part of that prize as well. This mechanism is similar to earning a royalty on your ideas. You earn the same number of points as the person who placed your idea into the project (2 points for the idea and then additional points for votes on the piece). When we get the marketplace up and running, part of the commission each project earns will also be shared with the people who contribute to the project. More details on this coming soon!

Can I see how my idea spreads out into other projects?
This is actually a multi-part question. First, ideas you contribute to a project plan can be seen and reused by anyone. However, when your idea is reused, you will earn points AND recognition for it. This means that when your idea is reused in a prize project, you will receive part of the prize. We are working on compensation structures for when your ideas are reused in non-prize projects. Second, if you want to start a project on PieceWise but don't want someone taking your project idea, we'll be offering projects where users must sign a non-disclosure agreement before starting to work on the plan. The ideas generated for the project plan will be reusable since they belong to the user who created them. However, the project details will be hidden from searches.

How do I see more information about a project piece?
We're working on adding this feature. Stay tuned for updates!

How can I participate in planning a project?
There are four ways to participate in projects (3 during alpha testing). These are, creating pieces (if you do this, you're a PieceMaker), ranking pieces, organizing pieces by when they need to be completed in the overall plan, and bidding on pieces. Bidding is not currently active.

How do I search for projects?
From the account home page you can click "Projects" in the top navigation bar and then "Find a project." Then you can search for projects using the search bar, "Projects by Prize" button, or "All projects" button. You can also use the "search projects" bar on the index page or account home page.

How do I create pieces? What does it mean to create pieces?
Start by finding a project to work on. If you haven't completed the tutorial for working on a project, it will show up at this point. If you have, you can create pieces using the console on the right side of the page. The pieces you create should be either a step of the project that needs to be completed or information relevant to the project. For example, if someone has created the step, "Buy a grill", you could add in different types of grills as pieces below this step.

Your Innovation Statistics

PieceMaking Points 26
PieceReuse Points 2
Useful Piece Votes 4
Innovative Piece Votes 4
Organizing Points 4
Ranking Points 1
Editing Points 0
Feedback Points 0
Bonus Points 0
Total 41

We know that there is always room for improvement, and we want your help! If you see any areas that will improve your experience with our site, please tell us about it and you’ll earn 10 points!